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A historic riverside town in Essex


Burnham Chapel Friends Group

The chapel in Burnham cemetery was built in 1894 as part of the new town cemetery in Southminster Road to be used for the funedrals of non conformists.

The building deteriorated to the stage that it could no longer be used and was last used in the 1970's.

There was a small tower and bell which were brought down at some stage.

Maldon District Council, who are the owners, are unwiling to spend at least £20,000 to allow the building to be reopened and more to fully restore the building.

In 2012 The group agreed to take a 99 year lease on the property from Maldon District Council and raise money to restore the building.

The group aim to restore the chapel and then use for its oriinal purpose ie non conformist funerals as was as local community use.

Members of the friends group raise money by holding events locally. 


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