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A historic riverside town in Essex

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The Dengie bus contract runs out in August 2016 and there is no guarantee that we will get the same level of bus services again unless we make clear what we need.  It is vital that all bus users take part in the consultation on the ECC Review of the Local Bus Strategy by filling in a survey form, either online at www.essex.gov.uk/busreview  or on a paper copy available from local libraries or from ECC by phoning 0845 603 7631.  The closing date for the consultation is 9 December 2013.

 If you do not complete this survey, how will ECC know what buses you most want and need?


No internal poll for this topic- please complete the ECC poll
pollcode.com free polls 

The last poll asked
After a dredger wrecked the jetty outside the White Harte Hotel should it be rebuilt or is Burnham better off without it?

14 said no while 108 said rebuild


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