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A historic riverside town in Essex


Hearing Help Essex -Burnham Clinic

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Hearing Help Essex is a charity staffed by volunteers who run a session in the Burnham on Crouch Clinic on the 1st Mondayof every Month from 2pm -4pm.

The  volunteers are trained to clean, re-tube and carry out basic maintenance on all NHS hearing aids.They also have a wide knowledge of specialist equipment that is available to improve communication in daily life such as amplified telephones, flashing doorbells etc.

Next surgeries

3rd september 2012
1st October 2012
5th November 2012

3 December 2012


 Do You Need Help…..

Cleaning  & re-tubing your NH'S Hearing Aid?

Getting used to your existing aid?

Hear your doorbell or telephone ring?

For Free practical help, support and advice come along & see our trained Hearing Help Essex Volunteers

Hearing Aid Batteries are now available at the clinic


More Information

Click here to visit the website of Hearing Help Essex

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©2012 Marshland (Essex)

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