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Maldon District Council Local Development Plan

At the meeting of Council on 21 July 2011 Maldon District Councillors agreed an approach for progression and production of a Local Development Plan (LDP) for the Maldon District.  This follows the reforms being introduced to the planning system by the Government, including the Localism Agenda, and subsequent discussions with elected Members.

The LDP sets out the vision and objectives for how the District will be developed over the next 15 years.  In particular it will outline where and when strategic development should take place.  It will also lay down the principles and criteria for all new developments, taking into account the identified needs and constraints in the District.

 The new Maldon LDP will cover the period 2014 - 2029 and once adopted will replace the existing Replacement Local Plan (RLP) as the legal development plan for the District.

 A Preferred Options consultation for the LDP took place between 10 July 2012 and 28 August 2012. To view the consultation documents click here.

Burnham Town Council arranged public meetings on 9 Augustand 23 August 2012 to consult on their response to the LDP.

Update on the LDP

28 August 2012

Letter to Maldon District Council regarding Maldon District Council's Local Development Plan (LDP) - Preferred options Consultation

Dear Mr Coleman,

As you are aware from your attendance at the Public Meeting in Burnham-on-Crouch regarding the above, on Thursday 9 August 2012, the Town Council issued “comment forms” to enable residents to record their views and then to be forwarded/handed to you for inclusion in the District Council’s consideration of the LDP.  I have therefore enclosed 120 forms, letters and emails for consideration in the LDP process.  Please acknowledge receipt.

 Again, as you are aware, the Town Council, at the Public Meeting, determined that it would be necessary for a Special Meeting of the Town Council to be held in order to determine the Town Council’s formal response.  That meeting took place on Thursday 23 August 2012 to comply with the consultation deadline.

 The comment forms, letters and emails received, in general express the same/similar concerns as follows: -

 a)       the suggested 450 additional dwellings are not needed in the Town; there is plenty of available accommodation,

 b)       450 dwellings is too many for this particular site and location that will be remote from the Town,

 c)       infrastructure inadequacies, in highways, sewerage, water and transport, including the single track railway,

 d)       an unacceptable increase in traffic movements, particularly in Maldon Road and the rural roads between Burnham and South Woodham Ferrers,

 e)       Additional demand on health, fire, police and ambulance services that are already “stretched” and viewed as inadequate,

 f)       there is insufficient local employment that would lead to an increase in the Town’s “dormitory status”,

 g)       loss of “coastal zone” and “special landscape area” designations and the resultant loss of natural habitats,

 h)       insufficient consideration and thereby justification to “discount” other areas within the Dengie Hundred and adjoining settlements.

You will note that there was much criticism for the shortness of the consultation period and the timing of the consultation in the peak holiday season.

 I have also, as promised, enclosed a copy of the notes of the Public Meeting held on Thursday 9 August 2012 for your information.

 Having regard to the above, and the very clear consensus of those residents attending both the Public Meeting and the Special Town Council Meeting, the Town Council formally determined: -

 that the Town Council object to and therefore reject the Local Development Plan as contained in the consultation document”.

 In addition to the above the Town Council, at its Meeting to be held on Tuesday 11 September 2012 will be considering a request from the Special Town Council Meeting to “engage an independent Planning Consultant in order to advise on the possible alternatives for Burnham–on-Crouch within the Local Development Plan”.

 As well as the acknowledgement requested above can you please confirm that this letter and all the enclosed forms, letters and emails will be included in the District Council’s procedure and consideration of the Local Development Plan?

 Yours sincerely,


Mr David Coleman

Planning Policy Officer

Maldon District Council

Update on 20 January 2014

Maldon District Pre-Submission Local Development Plan Consultation and Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation 22 January - 7 March 2014.

 In August 2013, I wrote to you to seek your views on the Draft Local Development Plan (LDP). First of all, I would like to thank you for taking time to respond to this consultation.  All comments received have now been considered by the Council.

 On 11 December 2013 the Council endorsed the Pre-Submission LDP and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule for public consultation. Representations are now invited on the following:

 1.    The ‘soundness’ and legal compliance of the Local Development Plan, Proposals Map and supporting documents.

2.    The Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule and supporting documents. 

 Please note that these are separate consultations under different sets of legislation, and there are two types of forms included in your consultation pack. Consultation on the PreSubmission LDP and CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule will commence on Wednesday 22 January and close at 12 noon on Friday 7 March 2014. 

 Pre-Submission LDP

This is an opportunity for you to make representations on the soundness and legal compliance of the Plan before the Council submits it to the Secretary of State (under regulations 19 and 20 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations 2012). 

 Representations should be made by completing the response form included within your consultation pack. It is important that the enclosed guidance on how to do this included within the Statement of Procedure and Guidance Notes is adhered to. Forms should be returned to the Council either by email to policy@maldon.gov.uk or post to: Planning Policy Team, Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon, CM9 5DL. Representations must be received by the Council by 12 noon on 7 March 2014. Regrettably, late responses cannot be considered.

 Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

The Council is preparing a CIL covering the whole District and invites written representations on the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (under regulation 15 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010). The schedule sets out the proposed rates that developers would be required to pay on new development to provide for new or improved infrastructure.

 The Council is proposing a charge of £70 per sqm for most new residential development and £150 per sqm for various other types of development. Parish/Town Councils will be entitled to up to 15% of the CIL receipts from development taking place in their area, and up to 25% with an adopted neighbourhood plan – details are enclosed with the CIL documentation. 

 Representations in relation to the CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule should be made using the enclosed response form and returned either by email to policy@maldon.gov.uk or post to: Planning Policy Team, Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon, CM9 5DL.

Representations must be received by the Council by 12 noon on 7 March 2014. Responses received after this date will not be considered.

 Document Availability for Inspection

Copies of relevant consultation material are included along with this letter, and I would be grateful if these documents could be made available for public inspection in accordance with the public notices.  All documentation is also available on the Council’s website at www.maldon.gov.uk, and further hard copies may be made available on request (subject to availability).

 Copies of relevant public notices and posters are also included for display as appropriate. I would be grateful if these could be placed in a prominent location to help further publicise the consultations.  Additional copies of public notices and posters can be provided on request.

 Drop-in Sessions

A series of drop-in sessions will be held throughout the District at the times and locations below. During these events, Council representatives will be available to answer your questions regarding the consultations and assist with completion of the response forms.





Monday 3 February


11am – 7pm

Plantation Hall, Heybridge

Friday 7 February


11am – 7pm

Burnham-on-Crouch Council Offices

Tuesday 11 February


11am – 7pm

Maldon Library






As before, meetings will also be held specifically to enable Town and Parish Councillors to receive an update from the Council and ask questions in relation to the consultations.  Further details will be issued to you shortly.  

 If you require any further information please contact the Planning Policy Team by email at policy@maldon.gov.uk or by telephone on 01621 876202.

 Yours faithfully

David Coleman

Strategic Planning Policy Manager

 Click here to view pdf file giving further details.







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