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A historic riverside town in Essex


Maldon District Council

Maldon District Council is a comparatively small District Council with about 225 staff proving a range of services for the Maldon District which includes Burnham on Crouch.

The actions of Maldon District Council affects every resident of Burnham on Crouch through services such as refuse collection, management of Public Parks, Building Development control and many other important services.

Elected councillors make policy decisions and then council staff are responsible for implementing these decisions and the day to day running of the Council.

There are thirty one District Councilors of which four District Councilors represent Burnham on Crouch

 Click here to view a web page which lists common problems and the Authority or organisations responsible

Click here to visit a page that explains where your council tax goes.

How do I contact Maldon District Council?        

Maldon District Council, Princes Road, Maldon, Essex, CM9 5DL

Tel: 01621 854477     Fax: 01621 852575

e Mail -  customer.services@maldon.gov.uk

Click here to visit the web site of Maldon District Council

Who are my Councillors on Maldon District Council?

Helen Elliot - Conservative - 01621784683 or 785758

Neil Pudney - Conservative - 01621784233

Peter Elliot - Conservative - 01621784683 or 785758

Ron Pratt - Conservative - 07860913912


Election to Maldon District Council

Last District Council Election held on 7th May 2015

Next District Council Election due in May 2019

Click here to view a pdf file for the results of Burnham North Ward

Click here to view a pdf file for the results of Burnham South Ward



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