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A historic riverside town in Essex


Burnham Riverside Shopping Trail

Nowadays most shopping centres feature the same shops offering the same items at the same prices wherever you go.

Burnham on Crouch is different as it decided to be different and so there are no High Street chain stores which means that every shop is unique.

Of course most of the shops cater from residents and sell everyday items but in the Clock Tower area of Burnham there are a cluster of shop which provide great gifts, mementoes or at the very least an enjoyable window shop.

To help you get the most from your visit the Shopping trail provides a convenient route to visit 10 of the most interesting shops within easy walking distance. Without allowing for shopping the route would take about 15 minutes to walk and is is even surfaced providing easy walking even for those people with pushchairs or wheelchairs.


The Clock Tower- Built in 1877 by public subscription in memory of local oyster merchant Laban Sweeting who was renowned for his generosity.
Nothing to buy in the Clock Tower but it is a great landmark to start and finish your trail your trail.

On the opposite side of the street you will see Templemans Gallery.

Templemans stock paintings and prints by local artists as well as many interesting artistic items and ornaments. Local artists are often found working in the shop.

Cross Ship Road and go past the Ship Inn for a few yards when you will reach Henry's Orchard.

Henry's Orchard contains a great variety of curio goods that vary weekly but are always worth a visit. It is one of the authors favourite shops in town!

The shop has a plan red exterior but expands inside into several rooms with each room bringing new surprises.

The owners specialise in ornamental ironwork under their own brand of Lordswood. Some is displayed although you can talk to Jeremy who will design and built to your sepcifications.

Continue a few yards where you will find Burnham Antiques

The clue is in the name with antiques of all shapes and sizes for sale in the shop.

Continue on for a few yards until you find  Back2The Wall

Back2theWall has a great cafe with especially nice sweet things but is primarily an art and craft shop supported by many local artists and craftsmen. What you see in this shop is likely to be totally unique.

 A visit to their website before you visit will wet your appetite for this great shop.

Cross the road and continue to walk westerly past the war Memorial and the cafe until you are outside Harbour Antiques

Harbour Antiques stocks a range of high class antiques including paintings.

Continue walking eastwards going past King and Hines which is an old fashioned hardware store with wooden floorboards until you reach Manythings.

Manythings is packed with curios of all shapes and sizes. It is a great place to buy presents or find original things to provide points of interest in your house.

A few shops further on is Hang 11

Hang 11 sells surfing clothing by Quicksilver and other top makes as well as cool items like Birkenstock sandals and Grity scooters.

This shop is paradise for the young or young at heart.

Retrace your steps to the war memorial and keep walking on the same side of the road until you come to Sweet Dreams.

Sweet Dreams is an old fashioned sweet shop which stocks more sweets in jars than I can count. The problem with this shop is in deciding what you want as the choice is so large.

Next door to Sweet Dreams is Cafe 41

Not only is Cafe 41 a splendid small cafe but it sells local home made produce including jam, honey and chutney
Continue to walk westward but just before you reach the Clock Tower turn right into Shore Road and walk about 20 yards until you reach the Quay. Turn to your left for about 20 yards past Quayside Restaurant  where you will see Fairways Chandlery.

The Chandlery sells all things sailing and so in a sailing town is very popular although to the left of the entrance door the shop stocks brass and wooden items such as replica sailing boats, animals and even the proverbial ship in a bottle.

Although there are still many interesting shops in Burnham on Crouch you have now reached the end of the tour.

You can return to the start by retracing your steps to the Clock Tower or by continuing along the Quay until you reach the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club where you turn left into Belvedere Road and then left again into the High Street where you will once again see the landmark of the Clock Tower.

Free parking is available on street in High Street or a public car park at Providence. Click here for a page on car parking in Burnham on Crouch.

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