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A historic riverside town in Essex


Burnham Yacht Harbour

Burnham Yacht Harbour was built in 1989 with the spoil from the excavation used to create the plateau area in the adjoining Riverside Park.

Until then all yachts has been forced to use moorings in the river although modern owners preferred to use a marina or yacht Harbour.

350 berths are provided including the RNLI boathouse who are able to access the Harbour at any state of the tide.

The Yacht Harbour has a huge 35 ton boat hoist and a 100 tone slipway to facilitate launching and repairs.

There is a restaurant and a chandlery in the Harbour buildings both of which are open to the public.

A public footpath runs on either side of the yacht Harbour but the Harbour itself is private property. If you visit the Harbour please be careful as it can be very busy with workmen and materials plus the unwieldy movement of yachts on trailers.

Click here to visit the website of Burnham Yacht Harbour.


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