Burnham Civic Amenity Site

Door to door rubbish/ recycling/green waste collections are provided by Maldon District Council  wheras Burnham Civic Amenity Site is run by Essex County Council as one of the 23 centres for recycling household waste that it operates in the county.

The site is housed in a discreet site in Springfield Road, Burnham on Crouch at the approach to the Springfield Industrial Estate. Waste is placed in a variety of containers which are collected regularly according to their recycling abilities.

What are the opening hours of the Amenity Site?

Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Between 16 October to end of February – 9 am until 4 pm

Between 1 March and 15 October - 9 am until 5 pm

Closed all day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Bank Holidays, Christmas and New Year arrangements:

Special hours will apply- see ECC website or notices at the Civis Ammenity Site for details..

Warning re opening hours

The site is operated by Essex County Council who can change the times of operation for the Civic Amenity site without notice to this website so if your visit is  important click here to visit the ECC Amenity website for any late changes to times.

Restriction on use of the site for some vehicles and some materials

Vans, pick-ups and other commercial-type vehicles – including those privately owned - are not allowed to use this site.

Customers attempting to park prohibited vehicles outside the site and carry waste in will be turned away.

DIY waste including soil, hardcore, plasterboard, tiles, bathroom and kitchen units and doors is not accepted at this recycling centre

When the site is closed can I use the bottle and clothes banks?

Maldon District Council operate a network of recycling banks that accept , bottles, cans and paper.

Some charities operated clothes recycling banks.

The location of these banks are listed on our sister site The Dengie Hundred. Click here for locations of these banks


 For contacts or to ensure that the hours are still current you can check the Essex County Council Recycling Centre website by clicking here