Community Information
Listed below are pages that will be of interest to people who live or work in Burnham on Crouch.
Click on the links below for more information
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SL signifies the link will take you to one of our sister sites for Dengie, Southminster or Essex Family History.
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Adult Learning | Details of adult learning available in or near to Burnham | |
Air Training Corps | 2531 (Burnham on Crouch) Detached Flight, Air Training Corps | |
Allotments | Allotment Association at Burnham on Crouch | |
All Saint's Creeksea | All Saint's Church of England at Creeksea | SL |
Ambulance | Ambulance service and Station | |
Art Trail | A display of arts in Burnham - Last week in June | |
Baptist Church | Baptist Church in Station Road | |
Beach | Where to find Burnham's small beach on the River Crouch | |
Bees | The local Beekeepers Club able to deal with Bee Swarms | |
Station Task Force | This group looks after the gardens around the Railway Station | |
Burnham Art Club | Details of Burnham Art Club | |
Burnhan & Dengie Review | Details of Burnham's free monthly magazine | |
Burnham British Legion | Branch of the services charity | |
Burnham Carnival | One of the highlights of the year | |
Burnham Clinic | Health Clinic in Burnham | |
Burnham Clocktower | The iconic building that dominates the High Street | |
Burnham Darby & Joan Club | Darby and Joan Club | |
Burnham Day Centre | Luncheon & Social Club for the elderly | |
Burnham Ferry | The ferry across the River Crouch to Wallasea | |
Burnham Hillside Bowls Club | Our Lawn Bowls Club | |
Burnham in Bloom | Burnham in Bloom Flower competition | |
Burnham Museum | Burnham's excellent museum | |
Burnham Music Group | Burnham Music Group | |
Burnham on Crouch Bridge Club | Burnham on Crouch Bridge Club | |
Burnham on Crouch Flower Club | Burnham Flower Club | |
Burnham on Crouch Golf Club | Burnham Golf Club | |
Burnham on Crouch Inner Wheel | Burnham on Crouch Inner Wheel | |
Burnham Primary School | Burnham on Crouch Primary School | |
Burnham Ramblers FC | Burnham Ramblers Football Club | |
Burnham Rotary Club | Burnham Rotary Club | |
Burnham Rugby Club | Burnham Rugby Club | |
Burnham Sequence Dance Club | Burnham Sequence Dance Club | |
Burnham Sports Cricket Club | The Towns Cricket Club | |
Burnham Surgery | Burnham Surgery for GP and Practice Nurse facilities | |
Burnham Town Council | Burnham Town Council | |
Bus Travel | Bus Travel | |
Car Parking | Places to park your Car | |
Christmas | Christmas activities in Burnham on Crouch | |
Cinema | The Rio Cinema - Burnhams two screen secret! | |
Citizens Advice Bureau | Free advice clinics held weekly | |
Civic Amenity Site | The site is in Springfield Road, Burnham on Crouch | |
Crime Statistics | Crime rates in Burnham on Crouch in detail | DL |
Cycling | Cycling for sport band leisure is popular on the flat terrain | |
Dengie Childrens Centre | Support centre for mothers and children | |
Dengie Dementia Cafe | Weekly cafe for Dementia sufferers and their carers | |
Dengie First Responders | Volunteers who respond to heart attacks and other health problems | |
Dengie Hundred Artritis Care | A meeting for people with arthritis | |
Dengie Hundred Bus Users | The group who work to improve bus services | |
Dengie Hundred Probus Club | The Burnham branch of Probus | |
Dengie Hundred Sports Centre | The sporting centre of town | |
Dentists | Details of NHS dentists in this area | |
East Essex Astonomy Club | Stargazing and more | |
Essex Police | Policing in Burnham | |
Facebook - Burnham Community Page | A lively page to talk about everything Burnham | DL |
Facebook - Faces of Old Burnham | For people who remember Old Burnham and would like to see photos of their past | DL |
Facebook- Burnham deserves better | A residents page centred on planning decisions and Council related matters | DL |
Farmers Market | The monthly farmers market for the freshest produce | |
Freemasons | Details of the two Lodges based in Burnham on Crouch | |
Essex Fire and Rescue | Fire services in Burnham | |
First Responders | Dengie First Responders assisting Essex Ambulance | SL |
Fossils | Fossil hunting in and around Burnham | |
Friends of Cemetery Chapel | Suppport group for the Cemetery Chapel | |
Friends of Hester Place | Support group for Hester Place | |
Gardens | Details of Open gardens in Burnham on Crouch | |
Guides, Brownies & Rainbows | The Guide movement in Burnham on Crouch | |
Hearing Help | Hearing Help ( Essex) clinics | |
Hospital Travel | How to travel to the local hospitals | |
Jehovah's Witness Church | Jehovah's Witness Church | |
Libraries | Library service in Burnham on Crouch | |
Listening Bench | Plays audio history of Burnham | |
Lost, found and dead animals | How to report lost, found or dead animals | |
Map | Street Map of Burnham on Crouch | |
Maritime | Index of River Crouch related activities | |
Market | Burnham has a street market every Tuesday morning | |
Media | Newspaper, Radio and TV in Burnham on Crouch | |
Neighbourhood Watch | Burnham on Crouch Neighbourhood Watch | |
Notable artist & authors | Well known artists & authors connected to Burnham on Crouch | |
Ormiston Rivers Academy | The Secondary School for Burnham on Crouch & District | |
Parkrun | Burnham Parkrun every Saturday | |
Parks | Open spaces | |
Postal Services | Post Office and more | |
Pre School | ||
Pubs | One thing Burnham really does well is the Pubs | |
Refuse Collection | Refuse Collection and recycling | |
Remembrance & Armistice Days | ||
Restuarants | Resturants serving food of all cuisines | |
River Crouch | The River dominates Burnham on Crouch | |
River Crouch Shipping | Commercial Shipping on the River | |
RNLI | Details of the lifeboats stationed at Burnham on Crouch | |
Scouts,Cubs and Beavers | The Scouting movement in Burnham on Crouch | |
St Cuthbert's Roman Catholic Church | ||
ST FM | Our own radio station | |
St Mary the Virgin Parish Church | ||
St Mary's C of E Primary School | ||
Swimming/bathing in River or Sea | Where to bath in the Rivers or sea | |
Swimming Pool | Swimming at Burnham and Southminster | |
Take Away Food | Take away food | |
Taxi | Taxi firms in Burnham and Southminster | |
Tides | Tide tables help you choose - mud or water? | |
Toilets | Public toilets in Burnham on Crouch and the surrounding villages | |
Tourist Information Centre | All the info on this area | |
Train Services | Travel by train on the lovely Crouch Valley Line | |
Twin Town | Burnham-on-Crouch is twinned with a town in France called L’Aiguillon-sur-Mer | |
U3A - University of the Third Age | Details of the Club and its 36 Interest Groups | |
United Reform Church | ||
Walks | Walks around Burnham on Crouch | |
Weather | An extensive weather report for Burnham on Crouch | |
Womens Institute | Burnham has two WI's - One meets in the afternoon and one in the evening |