
This web site is one of a group that is operated under the Marshland Group of Websites .

The design, content  and graphics of all sites operated by Marshland( Essex) remain the copyright of Marshland unless otherwise stated.

This applies to original works and the works of third parties who have agreed to allow their work to be used on the sites.

A great deal of time, effort and expense has gone into the production of the Marshland web sites and therefore measures have to be available to deal with theft of the material that has been gathered.

Should any person wish to use graphics or other extracts, permission may be granted or refused at the discretion of Marshland. This permission may take the form of free unconditional, free conditional or paid use depending on the circumstance.

Applications for use should be made to the below address by letter or e mail .

Information to include:-

  • an accurate description of the required item,
  • The location of the item on the Marshland website
  • the use that will be made,
  • any commercial element of the proposed use
  • If it is to be used on the internet the web site address.

Should untruthful information be provided permission would be withdrawn immediately the breach became apparent.

E Mail -

 address Marshland  9 Marsh Road, Burnham on crouch, Essex, CM0 8LZ


Every effort has been made by Marshland to ensure that there are no breaches of copyright on the web sites.

Most of the photographs and the text have been created specifically for the Marshland web sites.

Reference material has been sourced from a variety of sources including the internet and books although with the exception of a few short quotes acceptable copyright guidelines have been followed with no  lifting taking place.

Some photographic and other material has been obtained from items that Marshland believes to be no longer in copyright based on the archival standard advice provided by the National Archives and the accompanying flow chart designed  by Tim Padfield.

The websites are data protection compliant with use of certainty of a person’s death or the widely accepted 100 year rule in respect of historical personal data that is held and published.

Other material has been sourced from web sites that provide unconditionally free material or conditional free downloads where acknowledgment is requested or required.

Some material has been sourced from other people and existing web sites after approval has been sought and provided from the copyright holder.

Although Marshland may have taken proper steps to comply with copyright it is a difficult area and it is occasionally possible that an error has been made or the person giving approval may believe that they own the copyright although they do not in fact do so.

Should any person feel that this web site has violated their copyright please contact Marshland at the above address or e mail providing the following details:-

A specific identification of the image or extract that has been infringed

  • The URL of this image or extract
  • The location of the original image or extract
  • Evidence of the establishment of the copyright
  • Full contact details of the claimant.

    Should a complaint be made it would be investigated within 24 hours of the complaint being received and if established as incorrectly displayed the offending work will be removed immediately.

E Mail -