United Reformed Church

Station Road, Burnham on Crouch

Burnham URC Church 2013


In 1862 a Congregational Church was erected on the current site of Barclays Bank until it was destroyed by fire in 1946. The current building was erected in 1950.

In 1984 the Congregational church merged with the Methodist Church, which had been in place since 1862, to form the URC and the Methodists closed their chapel in Albert Road.

During the 1800's many worshippers could not reach the churches and so the Marsh mission was built in the marshland near to the sea. This building fell into disuse and was moved to the rear of the URC church where it stood until recently.

They outgrew the premises and erected a new church in Station Road


Following a bequest the church built an extension at the front providing another meeting room/lounge area.

The church is often referred to locally as the URC.


Sunday 10.30am

Other church activities

Coffee morning - Saturday 10am -11.30am

Charity Fayre 2nd Saturday in month

Ministers Surgery- Thursday 6.30pm

Senior Men's Forum - Thursday afternoon

Women's Guild - Weds afternoons


tel 01621 773393 or 01621 784808

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