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A historic riverside town in Essex


Policing in Burnham

Essex Police no longer have the use of a Police Station in Burnham on Crouch and provide Officers from a base at Southminster.

Policing Cover is provided by regular full time Officers, PCSO,s and part time Special Constables

a PCSO  on patrol - great asset for Burnham

The policing priorities for Burnham are:

Acqusitive crime

Environmental issues such as fly tipping

Unlawful parking

What Crime is happening in Burnham on Crouch?

Click here to visit a map showing the numbers of common crimes.

Due to data protection issues the map will only list the crime as far as the street where the offences were committed.

The offences are entered and 2 months after they occured.

How do I contact Essex Police Community Team?

Queenborough Road, Southminster, Essex, CM0 7AD

Who is in Charge of the Community Police Team?

Sergeant Phil Morley

Click here to contact Sgt Morley by e mail

Who is the local Policeman?

Pc Joanna Hawtin

Mobile Phone - 07932375514

Click here to contact Pc Hawtin by e mail

Please note that Officers are moved within Essex Police without notification to this web site.

What hours is Southminster Police Station manned

Monday to Saturday 12md to 6 pm

 How do I find out more about Essex Police?

Click here to visit Essex Police Web Site.

How do I find out about Burnham Marine Police?

Click here to visit a page on the marine police


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